Bronte GO Station Growth Area- 2172 Wyecroft Rd.
In Oakville's Official Plan, the Bronte GO Station area is identified as an MTSA - that's a Major Transit Station Area. These areas are seen as those that provide opportunities for future intensification, thereby concentrating housing within a short walk of the higher order rail transit that the GO Station offers.
Provincial planning documents state that a MTSA is generally defined as the area within an approximate 500 to 800 metre radius of a transit station, representing about a 10-minute walk. The boundary of the MTSA must be outlined in a transit-supportive manner that maximizes the size of the area and the number of potential transit users that are within walking distance of the station.
The Town of Oakville established the boundaries of the Bronte GO Station as shown below. (click to enlarge)
Once boundaries for the MTSA were established, it was necessary to define the land uses that would be permitted - such as commercial, residential, etc. As well, in order to provide opportunities for a 'complete community', or in other words, one that would provide a diversity of community services and housing to meet the needs of people at all stages of life. A Complete Community includes, amongst other things, access to businesses and services that are required by everyone such as dentists, doctors, grocery stores, restaurants AND access to green and open spaces like parks.
The land use schedule (map) for the Bronte GO Station was approved by Halton Region in 2022. The image below depicts the various 'districts' that would comprise the overall MTSA and the height of the buildings that would be permitted to be built there. (click on map to enlarge)
Building Heights:
Eastern and Third Line Districts (located south of Speers Road) - 2 to 4 storeys
Eastern and Third Line Districts (located north of Speers Road) - 3 to 8 storeys
QEW District, Speers District (outside the Station District) and southern portion of Station District - 3 to 8 storeys
Wyecroft District - Parks and Open Space
Station District - Immediate area surrounding GO Station as shown below - 5 to 20 storeys
The Issue at Hand
The owner of 2172 Wyecroft Road, which is located beside the western portion of the GO Station parking area on the south side of Wyecroft Road is planning to file a development application with the Town of Oakville that would see the building of a mixed use 4-tower development.
These towers would be as follows - 25, 28, 32 and 36 storeys! As noted above, Oakville's Official Plan allows for buildings of 5 to 20 storeys.
Information to Date
Please take time to educate yourself with the information we've provided and remain involved in this issue as we move forward. We must make it clear at the outset that any development that takes place at the Bronte GO Station Area be consistent with the land use building heights that have been planned for the area.
It is important for us to protect the future of this area to ensure liveability for those who eventually make this area of Oakville their home. They deserve to have access to green space, services and the kinds of living accommodation throughout their lifespan that people need for the enjoyment of life.
The presentation below was provided to residents at a recent Public Information Meeting.
Click Image to View Presentation Boards
Midtown Growth Area
Midtown Oakville is one of 25 designated Urban Growth Centers in Ontario, in this case located around the Oakville GO station. The planning estimates for this high density residential and employment area is for approximately 20,000 residents and jobs by 2031, and 50,000 by 2051.
There are many parallel planning activities currently in progress, with the goal of developing a fresh Official Plan Amendment (OPA) for Midtown by the end of 2023.
Several development proposals have already been submitted for Midtown land parcels, two of which have been referred to the Ontario Land Tribunal for decision.
It is expected that infrastructure construction will begin in late 2024.
The Vision
Midtown Oakville is being planned as an urban community where people are able to live, work, and play in walkable, mixed-use neighbourhoods, connected to the rest of Oakville by pedestrian, cycling, transit and street networks. It is to be a self-sufficient urban community with tall buildings, open spaces, recreational and retail amenities. Click here for details on Council's vision and the planning process.