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Oakville Members of Council

Promote Balanced Development & Uphold

the Livable Oakville Plan & Zoning By-laws for

the 77 East Street Development Application

Do you live in Ward 1 of Oakville?
Do you support upholding the Livable Oakville Plan and Zoning By-laws with planned and balanced development?
Do you want Members of Council to uphold the Livable Oakville Plan and Zoning By-laws to protect stable residential neighbourhoods and promote planned and balanced development?
Do you support balanced development by upholding the Livable Oakville Plan and current Zoning By-law for the 77 East Street Development Application?

Thanks for submitting!

Preview of the Email Template




The Mayor and Members of Council



Re: Promote Balanced Development by Upholding the Livable Oakville Plan & Current Zoning By-laws for 77 East Street Application


I write today deeply concerned about the impact that this development application will have on the character of Bronte Village and set a dangerous precedent for the area. It would appear that developers view the Livable Oakville Plan and Zoning By-laws as a starting point not respecting Oakville's planning process, community input and vision for Oakville.


There is a greater need for community voice and representation in this process. Why are we not defending these policies and zoning by-laws vigorously in a consistent and transparent manner? Why do developers feel that they can dictate to the community and municipality how our town is shaped, nurtured, and developed? Why is the community not a recognized stakeholder in the Planning Act and planning process?


The developer seeks to almost quadruple the zoning through an OPA and zoning by-law amendment for a mixed-use building of 15 storeys treating bonusing as a right, 50.5m in height introducing shadowing and privacy issues, 4.5 levels of parking excavating down approximating 12m in depth - a safety concern for adjacent buildings, inadequate setback on East Street reducing sightlines and safety for pedestrians, and a reduction in residential and visitor/commercial parking requirements where we already feel the effects of inadequate parking and predator towing. This seeks to drastically change the character of Bronte Village with the magnitude of the proposed development, inserting another Bronte Village Mall at a residential corner.  


The community is already experiencing the effects of the current level of growth and lack of infrastructure development with increased traffic, inadequate parking and safety issues. We need your help to address this by upholding the LOP and zoning by-laws for planned growth and revitalization for the area that supports community safety and vibrancy. That is what we thought the Livable Oakville Plan and its Zoning By-laws were enacted to do. And they were formulated to align with the Provincial Policy Statements and the Regional Plan – so let us take a stand now to defend what is already in place.


Please uphold MU1 zoning for the site and help to promote balanced growth!


This is not about one development application; this is about our neighbourhoods, the character of Bronte Village and our communities! It is time to stop, listen and work together! Develop and innovate together! Build and prosper together!





Oakville Resident

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