Safety Code 6
Posted May 27, 2015
At the 2015 AGM, the BVRA updated members on the latest regarding cell tower situations in Ward 1. The following article was mentioned in discussions, and is being posted for your reference.
Bronte Athletic Park Development
Posted May 23, 2014
"Over the last few years Bronte Athletic Park has undergone significant renovations to the football field and fieldhouse." Town of Oakville website
Bronte Heritage Waterfront Park
Posted May 22, 2014
Proposed permanent shade structure to be installed
Cell Tower
Posted May 22, 2014
"A 14.9-metre Bell Mobility cell tower proposed for 3135 Lakeshore Rd. W., will not be built." David Lea, Oakville Beaver
Prior to 2011
3047 Lakeshore Road
Plans submitted in June 2007are being executed and modifications to Lakeshore Road to help alleviate concerns regarding traffic have been implemented. Additional lots have been annexed and added to the plan
The Town Planner assigned to this development is being handled by Rob Thun at rthun@oakville.ca
The original decision was to have 15 town homes to be built on this property however detached homes are now being built. For further info see:
Amica Retirement Residences on Bronte Road
A developer is proposing to build a 129 Unit, 8 storey retirement Residence on Bronte Road just north of Lakeshore Road on the West side. The Town Council has endorsed this development in April 2008 but the plan is going to the OMB over numerous issues with the Ministry Zoning Order, Developer and neighbours concerns. The OMB hearing began on Nov 16/09.
For further more information see : link
The OMB decision from Jan 13/10 can be found at: http://www.omb.gov.on.ca/e-decisions/pl090104-jan-13-2010.pdf
January 2012 - Our understanding is the owner of the property is still working with the Region regarding Waste Water management issues. Construction is expected to begin later in 2012.
Bronte Athletic Park
The Town is still in talks regarding making improvements to this park. Parking for cars and a bus turn-about are still issues.
For further information on improvement to Donovan Bailey Park see: Donovan Bailey Park
Bronte Butterfly Park
Initially envisioned as a millennium project, the Bronte Butterfly has been raising money toward the construction of a 210-metre winter skate way - essentially a skating pathway that could accommodate three people across and which follows the shape of a butterfly - along with an interactive butterfly park.
The hope is that the project, to be located at the foot of Bronte Road along Ontario Street, will attract more than 60 types of butterflies, as well as tourists and local residents, to the Bronte area.
The Bronte Butterfly Foundation was given until Dec. 1/07 to come up with all the money it needs to finally make the dream of the Butterfly Park and winter skate way a reality.
A memorandum of agreement signed with the Town in 2006 called on the foundation to raise 75 per cent of the $3.61 million needed for the project by the beginning of 2007, and all of the money required by April 1, 2007. This deadline has since been extended until Dec 1/07. If the above goals are met the Town will contribute $500,000 from its cash-in-lieu-of-parkland reserve fund toward the project.
The Bronte Butterfly Park project was officially ended in 2008. The group was not successful in raising the required funds for the Park and have turned over to the Town any funds that were donated for paving bricks, benches etc. The Town has confirmed that all bricks and benches will be installed somewhere in the area of the Park.
For further information see the Bronte Heritage Waterfront Park item below.
Bronte Creek Gas Leak
In March of 2010 a gas leak was discovered in a Trans-Northern Pipeline which runs under Bronte Creek between Rebecca and the QEW. Immediately following this discovery multiple measures were used to contain the spill.
Testing has been done (by MMM Group) on behalf of the Trans-Northern Pipelines and has concluded that the leak has not caused an adverse effect on the local drinking water, the creek itself or the marshlands near Lakeshore Road. They also report that the fish habitat has not been impacted.
Trans-Northern reports that approximately 90,000 litres of gasoline leaded into the ground near the Creek. Exactly how much of this ended up in the creek is not known. The clean-up is expected to cost millions of dollars and could take up to two years.
For further information see:
Bronte Heritage Waterfront Park
Shelter areas are now part of the plan. Shelters are reminiscent of sails and fit the aesthetics of the surroundings.
For further information see: link
Bronte MAG (Mayors Advisory Group)
The Mayor's Advisory Group has been discontinued. The only feedback mechanism at this time is through Mayor's Roundtable held monthly and Public Information Meetings (PIM) held as needed for civic issues that have been escalated to this level.
Bronte Mall Application
As of August 2011 the site has been sold to Goldmanco - no new application has been made to the Town at this time. The new owner has appealed the original application (under OPA 275) to the OMB. (see case PL110708 at http://www.omb.gov.on.ca/english/eStatus/eStatus.html for further information). A prehearing has been set for November 9th at 10:00 at Oakville Municipal Building. Details will follow as they become available.
On March 31, 2009 an application was presented to the Town. In summary the proposal includes: no tall buildings on Lakeshore (less than 3 stories); taller buildings will be on Sovereign St.; there are plans for a skating rink, a park, a town square, office buildings, retail shopping, two to three stories on Lakeshore, a 21 storey tower on the northwest corner as well as town homes. The western half of the mall will be demolished, with plans to begin the construction on Sovereign St. with the condo tower and move on to office/retail buildings. The Fire hall Restaurant is a welcome and essential tenant but they will have to relocate temporarily; there will be an attractive atrium, buildings are stepped back, green roofed buildings, space for the arts. Sobeys will be moved to the Southeast corner on the property and be located on the second storey. It may take many years to have the entire area built. Underground parking (1200 spaces) in addition to approximately 130 parking spaces on the surface is planned. The total number of dwelling units is 451.
For further info on this development see: link
The best spot to look for details and drawings is the Urban Design Brief tab.
The BVRA made a presentation to the Town on the Nov 9/09 Public Information Meeting. See the “BVRA presentations” tab for details of the presentation.
Following that meeting the BVRA has requested an Information Meeting with the Applicant to answer a list of questions regarding the application. There is now a different applicant.
Below is graphic of the proposed development (taken from page 19 of the Urban Design Brief)
The first OMB pre-hearing took place on November 25th, 2011. For the outcome of this meeting see the attached link: BVM OMP pre-hearing letter.
The second OMB pre-hearing meeting took place on January 20, 2012. The Applicant and the Town are still discussing a potential revised proposal. The BVRA is registered as a "participant" in these hearings.
Here is a summary of the present proposed development:
The proposed mixed-use redevelopment (including residential condominiums) would comprise the following: one 4-storey podium block with two 8-storey towers; one 4-storey podium block with two 10-storey towers; one 2-storey podium block combined with one 21-storey tower; total commercial Gross Floor Area of 14,314 square metres (7,587 square metres for retail and 6,727 square metres for second, third and fourth-floor offices); a bi-level underground parking structure with 540 parking spaces per level; and two surface parking lots with a combined 72 parking
May 14th update: The Town and the developer have come to an agreement. Here is a summary from our president:
John McMullen and I attended the Town of Oakville presentation on May 10th which unveiled the general settlement agreement principles for the Bronte Village Mall. The application for redevelopment has been before the OMB for the past several months, with each of the 3 OMB pre-hearing meetings being deferred due to the Town and the Applicant reporting to the Board that they were in negotiations.
The BVRA Executive had written a letter to the Town of Oakville to indicate our desire for a more transparent and open process in determining a settlement. (letter/response on website).
In my opinion, the main elements of this draft settlement are as follows:
· Addresses concerns of Sovereign street residents, who will face residential structures (townhomes and stepped-back condo buildings);
· Height limit on the tower is 14 storeys, with an additional 2 10 storey buildings;
· Traffic consideration – an east-west connection at mid-point of property which according to Town, likely will not require traffic lights on Jones or Bronte but will intensify already existing need for traffic improvements at Bronte/Rebecca intersection and Bronte/Lakeshore intersection;
· Future development applications for the land currently with gas station and paint store, not part of settlement – limited to 4 storeys;
· Lakeshore front “Market Square” and Sovereign “Parkette” included in plan;
· The long-term lease agreement with Sobeys will require lengthy wait to upgrade and move the grocery store (with no guarantee it will remain a grocery store);
· 570 residential units permitted with over 800 parking spots (66 of which are above ground).
The settlement principles and supporting By-law amendment will be provided to the OMB on June 22nd and the OMB will rule whether or not to accept at that time. I understood that the Town feels they have done a good job in getting the best settlement framework, given that the application was submitted prior to current Liveable Oakville Official Plan but under the Old Official Plan, which had no height restrictions on the property.
I will provide further details at the Annual General Meeting on May 29th.
To see the memorandum of understanding
Laurie McGinn, President, BVRA
Bronte Village Heritage Resources Review and Strategy
The Town hosted a meeting on Feb 15th, 2012, to discuss the above. An internet survey was carried out. For more information see BVR review.
Bronte Village Revitalization Study
The Bronte Village Revitalization Study (BVRS) is taking place. The purpose of the BVRS is to seek input and feedback on draft revitalization options being considered by the Town of Oakville for Bronte Village. This study is being conducted by the Town Planning staff that is responsible to create the new Oakville Official Plan. Members of the BVRA and public are invited to attend any of the meetings. Public meetings were held in the summer of 2008.
For more information on the BVRS see: link
The Livable Oakville sub-committee received the staff's recommendations for urban design guidelines and heritage guidelines for incorporation as policies in the new O.P. on March 9, 2009. The final O.P. was ratified by Council June 22, 2010.
This item is considered finished as the final product was included in the Livable Oakville Official Plan.
Bronte Harbour Yacht Club
The Bronte Harbour Yacht Club (BHYC) is renegotiating its lease with the Town. The Town would like to develop this area instead of renewing the lease to the BHYC. If the Town does renew its lease it will be asking for significantly more money than the Club can afford. It is the opinion of the BVRA executive that the BHYC and its building maintain the character of the Bronte village and therefore we support the renewing of the lease by the Town with a reasonable lease rate.
The BVRA has written the Town expressing our concern over this issue and highlighting to the Town that the BHYC is an important part of our community. Everything should be done to ensure that the Club remains where it is.
August 2011 update - The Town and the BHYC have signed a 50 year lease agreement which was satisfactory to both parties.
For more information see: www.bhyc.on.ca
Bronte Rd/QEW interchange
The upgrades to the interchange of Bronte Road and QEW have been completed. The development include 3 X 14 storey and 1 X 8 storey buildings with 33,500 meters of office space and 5,400 square meters of commercial space with 1500 parking spaces all in the NE corner of the intersection. The development received Town approval on Oct 11/2011. For a view of the development concept see: link
Bronte Quadrangle
The first phase (heritage issues) of the OMB hearing for the Bronte Quadrangle is completed. On February 7/07 the OMB has approved that both Glendella house and the Post office can be moved to different locations on the property to allow this development to proceed. The decision also requires that the developer (Birchgrove Estates) restores these buildings. The Town of Oakville is appealing the fact that the Provincial government failed to appoint a Conversation Review Board (heritage expert) member to the joint hearing OMB panel and therefore the importance of these heritage buildings were not properly assessed.
The second phase of the OMB hearing was scheduled to begin in Sept 07 (which was to focus on the developments design and its height). The developer wants a 6 storey building on Bronte Road and a 12 storey building on the Jones Street side.
On June 25/07 the town of Oakville and Birchgrove Estates signed a memorandum of understanding (MOU) on the Quadrangle site (agreeing to 10 storeys and 275 units). This agreement ended the requirement for the second phase of the OMB hearing. The town council voted to approve this MOU on July 3 rd.
On Oct 1/07 the Towns planning committee agreed to accept the MOU and will allow the Quadrangle to proceed. Demolition of the existing Bill Hill's grocery store will begin in a few weeks.
Below is the Town's planning staff report on the Quadrangle. It provides a history of what has happened from a planning point of view. Of note see pages 32 to 38 for the site plan to see what this building is going to look like.
Here is a summary of the building: 10 stories high, tiered from 6 stories (plus an additional 2 stories for the mechanical equipment and a swimming pool), nine 3 storey townhouses, 10 live/work units and 9000 sq feet of retail space. No addition parking will be added for the retail units.
For more information see:
Bronte Quad Staff Report Sept 28 07.pdf
The construction of the building began in 2009.
Bronte Youth Centre
This proposed space is intended to be a welcoming environment for youth to take part in a diverse range of specialized programs, services and positive recreational activities. The goal is to offer youth an opportunity to socialize in a designated and supervised “youth only” setting that also provides such integrated services as education and career counseling.
The Centre is now open at 2296 Lakeshore Road West beside Domino's pizza, across from Tim Horton's (Bronte Plaza). Youth are invited to drop in during operating hours Tuesdays through Thursdays from 3 to 6 p.m. and on Fridays and Saturdays from 3 to 11 p.m. For more information about the Bronte Youth Centre and volunteer opportunities, please contact the centre at 905-582-3592 or bronteyouth@oakville.ca.
Burloak/Great Lakes Blvd/Rebecca parcel of land
The triangular piece of land north of Rebecca and west of Great Lakes Boulevard behind the Shell gas station is also involved in a development request.
For the present site plan application for the northeast corner of Burloak and Rebecca see: link.
The proposed development, comprising nine buildings in total, will contain a total of approximately 12,315 square meters (132,550 square feet) of retail and service commercial uses, and is anticipated to include a food store of 4,210 square meters (45,300 square feet), a drug store of 1,585 square meters (17,035 square feet) and ancillary retail and service commercial uses sited primarily along the Rebecca Street and Burloak Drive frontages. It is anticipated that the centre will be anchored by a supermarket and a drug store, with a variety of ancillary stores and services. Other items of note (from the Town):
The proposal includes 5 blocks. 3 of the blocks are described above, 1 block is the woodlot and 1 block is the for storm water management (just north of the woodlot). The last two blocked will be owned by the Town.
The proposed buildings are single storey commercial buildings (Commercial buildings are generally higher than single storey residential). In terms of a height measurement, the urban design brief shows building heights of between 20 ft and 25 ft.
The BVRA has numerous concerns regarding this development and has sent a summary of these to the concerns to the Town Planners. See the “BVRA presentations” tab for the actual letter.
It is expected that this plan will go to council for approval in Nov 2009.
This application is for numerous buildings. See the above link for more details. Other notes from the Town. Application was submitted on November 26, 2008 and was deemed complete on December 15, 2008.
The BVRA sent a letter to the Town regarding this application in October of 2009. See the BVRA presentation section to view the letter.
The BVRA also made a presentation to the Town on Feb 22, 2010 outlining its concerns with this development. See the BVRA presentation section to view the letter.
The Town has denied this application and the developer appealed the application to the OMB. On January 17th, 2011 the Town and Bousefield reached an agreement on the above property prior to proceeding with an OMB hearing. For details see: Minutes of Settlement.
Another development in this area (just north of the above application and the area east of Great Lakes Blvd) called Hans Holdings. See the concept for the property can be found at Hans Holdings.
Burloak Water Purification Plant
The advisory committee on which the BVRA was represented has completed its work, and the Burloak Water Purification Plant is expected to be on stream by May 2008, with the tunnel work being completed by November 2007.
Update as of September 2007- The design-build contract for the Burloak Water Purification Plant Intake Tunnel is proceeding as scheduled. The on-land portion of the intake tunnel is complete. The marine work is currently at 90% and is scheduled to be completed in November 2007.
Feb 2009 – The plant is now in full operation.
The Region is proposing to triple the capacity of the existing plant. The construction would take place between 2016 and 2019 and would be contained within the present fenced property. A Public Information Meeting was held on Nov 30/2011. Public comments are accepted until Dec 16, 2011.
For further information on this project see: BWPP
Interim growth management policy (OPA 275)
OPA 275 was enacted as an “Interim Growth Management Policy” in 2007 while the Town Planning department conducted studies to allow it to properly prepare a revised Official Plan for areas of Oakville. This plan calls for development limitations to be put on the Bronte area for up to 3 years during this process.
At a public meeting held on May 2/07 the BVRA delivered its comments on this proposal to the Town's Planning department. See the link for “BVRA presentations” for the full report.
The Town council accepted this policy on June 12/07. Some of the changes that the BVRA requested where included. The Bronte area is now defined as South of Sovereign to the Lake and between Bronte Creek and East Street.
A group of developers have appealed this interim growth management polices (also called Official Plan Amendment 275 or OPA 275) to the OMB. Very little is known at this time about the hearing. We will keep you updated. BVRA members may have received notice of this hearing from the OMB in the mail. This letter was very cryptic and hard to understand. The BVRA has written a letter to the head of the OMB regarding the clarity of these notices.
OPA was replaced by the new official plan called Livable Oakville. See Official Plan section for details.
Oakville 's Transportation Master Plan:
The Oakville Transportation Master Plan is part of the Towns "Vision 2057" to develop a more balanced transportation system that provides a variety of travel options in Oakville.
For the latest information on the Plan click here
Official Plan
Livable Oakville is the Town's new Official Plan. Livable Oakville, the town's new official plan for the lands south of Dundas Street and north of Highway 407, was approved by the Ontario Municipal Board (OMB) on May 10, 2011. The Plan is now in force except for five policies that are the subject of appeals before other panels of the Board, and 13 outstanding site-specific appeals, as noted within the Plan. The plan directs growth to identified Growth Areas while protecting the town's stable residential neighbourhoods, green spaces and employment lands to 2031. Moving forward, this plan will guide land use planning decisions in Oakville.
For further information see: link
Other developments
The BVRA will continue to keep its members updated on progress of these projects. If we miss an issue that concerns you and your family send us an e-mail: brontevillageresidents@gmail.com
Palm Place MAG (Mayors Advisory Group)
At the 2007 BVRA annual general meeting the mayor announced that he would like to create a Palm Place Advisory group (set up by the BVRA) to:
determine factors that contributed to the outcome being contrary to the Official Plan, general consensus of public desire and Council recommendations; and
To provide the Mayor with recommendations for future development application process which may prevent similar outcomes for the community?
The mayor has promised his full support of this group.
The scope of work, methodology and time lines will be produced by the end of October 2007.
Palm Place MAG Report Final To Mayor.pdf
As of early April 2008 the two deer are still on the property. They have not been seen in 2009
This MAG has effectively been `shelved` by our present council, with no action being taken on any of its recommendations. The BVRA will continue to press the Mayor and council to fulfill their commitment to act on these recommendations to ensure that a situation like Palm Place does not occur again.
Petro Canada
The Petro Canada Refinery is now only a fuel handling facility. All refining operations have ceased. We are happy to report that 2006 marked the last year of “land farming” at the facility, which was a main cause of odours from the facility.
In the spring of 2009 the remaining two stacks were dismantled. All the remaining equipment has been purchased from Petro Canada and they are waiting for the purchaser to remove the remaining refining equipment.
Petro Canada /Shell Park Trail
In late 2008 the Town began to proceed with paving this pathway which runs north/south between Rebecca and Lakeshore Road along the Petro Canada pipeline. This was done without soliciting any public input. As a result many neighbours, the BVRA, Oakvillegreen and Lakeshore Woods Residence Association opposed this change.
On Feb 17/09 the Council decided to return this path to its natural state in the Spring of 2009.
QEP School – Bronte Community Centre
QE Park Centre will close for Renovations on September 8, 2009 and is expected to reopen in the fall of 2011. The Town is spending $23 million renovating the building. During the renovation many activities have been relocated to other town facilities.
Construction updates are provided monthly. For further info see: www.oakville.ca/qepark.htm
An article in the Feb 5/10 Beaver has pictures of what the new facility will look like: http://www.insidehalton.com/community/oakvillebeaver/article/605573
The pool is scheduled to open in January 2012. The Official Opening will occur in March 2012. The facility is now going to be called the Queen Elizabeth Park Community and Cultural Centre (QEPCCC)
Communications Tower
Rogers has made a request to Industry Canada to build a 29 meter communication tower on Rebecca St. in front of the old Rogers video store on the South side of Hopedale Mall (just West of the Beer Store). Local residents have been shown their concerns with this project at a public information session put on by Rogers on May 26th. On May 25th the Planning and Development Council has ``directed staff to develop a new policy for telecommunications applications that appropriately recognizes the need for public consultation by proponents. The town will not consider any further applications for telecommunication facilities until a new policy is in place. `` Presently Industry Canada has exclusive authority and responsibility for approving telecommunications sites and the Town does not have any authority to approve or deny site applications.
For further info
Shell House Lands/Palm Place/Bluewater Condominiums
In November 2003, the Ontario Municipal Board (OMB) received a re-zoning application and Official Plan amendment appeal to allow the construction of 1,000 units of high rise condos on the 10 acre Waterfront property located south of Lakeshore between Great Lakes Blvd and Burloak Drive in Oakville.
The BVRA is strongly opposed to this outrageous proposal and worked closely with government officials to represent the community opposition.
After a 7 week fight at the OMB, the hearing officer elected to allow 3 eight storey buildings on the West end of the property for of total of 300 units and create a park on the East end of the property. Even though the BVRA was very disappointed with the OMB's decision we continue to be involved with the issues surrounding this development. Meetings continue with respect to layout, traffic control, truck/construction access etc. These issues will impact our area greatly so the BVRA remains engaged in all discussions.
One major item that caused the OMB to allow the development to occur was a last minute addition to the agreement between the Town and the developer of the Lakeshore Woods subdivision which said the Town would entertain an application from the developer for up to 300 units on the Shell House land. The BVRA wants to know how this item was allowed to be included in the agreement, with no attempt to inform residents as to the potential future consequences, and who was responsible. We are presently involved with the new Mayor and Councillors to ensure that this issue is addressed.
Even though the “Shell house lands” will be developed our involvement is not over. Meetings continue with respect to layout, traffic control, truck/construction access etc. These issues will impact our area greatly so the BVRA remains engaged in all discussions.
On May 22 a staff report was presented and accepted by Council attempting to answer the questions that were asked by the BVRA as to what went wrong with the OMB hearing and how can we prevent this from happening again. This report was accepted with no questions or discussion by the council. The BVRA executive was not notified of this meeting and therefore was not able to attend and ask questions about the report. We are very disappointed with this report as it did not directly answer the questions we had asked. To this end the executive has met with the Mayor and he will be creating an “ad hoc” committee to further address the issue. The committee will be headed by Brian Miller of the BVRA.
As of Feb 2010 – The developer (Pemberton) has returned all the deposits of investors of the condo and they plan on re-launching the development in 2010. See the BVRA presentations section for a letter to the mayor regarding the latest changes to the Palm Place Development.
The developer has since down sized the density by approximately 90,000 square feet, redesigning some open space and reducing the number of units from 300 to 205 units. The sales office reopened in November 2010 and units are being advertised from $400 K to $1.5 million. The new development includes a restaurant and spa which were not part of the original OMB decision. In order for these changes to occur a zoning variance would have to be approved by the Town. The Town has granted a 2 year extension on the original 2 year requirement to commence construction.
December 2011 update -The development is now called Ashford Terrace. The Town has approved the developers request for a variance for the site plan. Construction now begun. For further information on the site plan see: Ashford Terrace site plan
South Shell Park
The new park that will be just east of the Palm Place development is going to be called South Shell Park. This park will end up being approx. 7 acres in size. A public washroom and children's playground are part to the plan.
The new exercise equipment has been removed at South Shell Park due to an accident in which a child lost a finger. It is unknown when new or different equipment will be installed.
School lands in Lakeshore Woods subdivision
August 2009 update:
The parcel of land was divided into two sections; the West section was for a Catholic school and the East section for a public school. The Catholic board has decided not to build a school in the area. The Public board has decided to exercise its option its portion of the property in February 2010. The subdivision plan has been approved for both parcels of land but only the West parcel is being developed. The East section development is on hold until the Public board decides whether to exercise its option. This is expected in 2012 with a 2014 in-service date as the earliest a school would be built.
For more information on the Public School section see: http://www.insidehalton.com/news/article/605379--board-opts-for-purchase-of-lakeshore-woods-school-site
Speers Road upgrades
The town is upgrading the section of Speer's Road between Bronte and Kerr Street .The first project involves the 1.2 km section east of Bronte Road which began in the fall of 2010. This is a two stage project. Phase 1 is to install a new water main (completed in Jan 2011); phase 2 is to make it a 3 lane road with bike lanes (completed in October 2011).
For further information see: